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40 years to Pure Color, a 155 paintings, 150 seconds retrospective.
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Nature Wavefields
Monochromatic Wavefields
Chromatic Wavefields
Nature Fields
Woodstock Fields
The trails of brushstrokes as they weave colors into each other is the subject of the work.
"..The colors act as notes and the whole of them convey a musical piece, a symphony, but one where every note is played at once.
There is really no beginning, no end - it is a loop of color relation, interplay, seduction and harmony." (from Moni Schifler-Azank's essay)

"First Snow" (Wavefield #78 ), 1/2025, 24" x 24", 61cm x 61cm, oil on PVC board.
Interview 2024 - Video
A candid interview where Roberto explains the how's and why's of the new abstract work that emerged in 2023-24.
Selected Paintings
Catalog of works

Studio Visit Video
"A completely new body of work has emerged since we moved back to Woodstock, NY last summer. This place has such amazing energy! It was also the birthplace of the Still Lives style, almost 30 years ago when we first lived here! Lovely to be back!"
from Moni Schifler Azank's essay -
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